
I'm no reading Harry Potter anymore, but some time ago it seemed to me a really breathtaking sample of fantasy. I remember when almoost everyone were reading Lord Of The Rings or Harrry Potter. Now it has changed and we got Stephenie Meyer's Twilight saga. Now Harry Potter is more criticised. Although, more interesting is the people who created this master pieces. I have seen Magic Beyond words:: The JK Rowling Story. It is a story fully full of sucess and loss. When your are down and don't believe yourself, there still someone which believes in you. Life changes on it's own.
An inspiring look at JK Rowling's rise to become one of the most influential writers-from her humble beginnings as an imaginative young girl and awkward teenager to the loss of her mother and the genesis of the Harry Potter phenomenon

It is amazing to see how professional she tells her life with jokes to others and inspires never to give up and don't be afraid to make failures.
''As is as a tale is, so is life: not how long it is, but how good it is, is what matters. I wish you all very good lifes.''


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