
Showing posts from December, 2013

Dream: conference

Source: AIIC ( ) We are sitting in some low dark green chairs and it seems that if you see deeper down the audience does not see you. Wrong. Some people talk smartly and generally it is something about health affecting studies. After some time inside the room comes a woman in fashionable clothes and styled haircut. Surprisingly, she is Latvian and covers her nature over a big smile. She says that now is the time to let our translators (interestingly that she herself made a mistake calling us not interpreters). The woman said that we will need to do it consequently. I thought that it will mean that we will help each other and complement each other so that there would not be some awkward silence. That is how it is done even interpreting contests in television when even two people can do very well. Interesting example was translating live some song contest. A woman was really strong in her job, but the man beside her was ...

Christmas feeling

Credit: Blog Tootsweet4two ( wp-content/ uploads/ 2013/12/The-Christmas-Feeling-cover.jpg ) Credit: Tumbrk Static ( Jk5mdjhee/sbrr.png ) Some people like Christmas and some people do not as everyone has different background, life and simply view towards everything. Some have experiences like Grinch, but if there is some good example, the view can be changed. Mine Christmas has always been with some Christmas feeling. Despite there were hard times, near to us was wood so we went there for some spruce branches. Later on we put in them some candles, bows and old Russian time glass decorations. Whole rooms smelled pleasantly and reminded me the smell of nature. Sometimes we cut also a small spruce. It was as tall as me. I remember picture with me in big white bow (typical for USSR time) and old plush bear in my hands with the tree behind. We had some Christmas lights, but all the time they tangled and it took mor...


Domas nekad tā īsti nevar izkontrolēt. Tās mēdz klīst pa dažādiem nostūriem. Lai arī kā tās gaiņātu, tās kā putni atgriežas vienviet. Dažreiz tās guļ, citreiz tās aktīvi lidinās pa prāta plašumiem. Tām nevar apsiet lentu vai ielikt kastē. Cilvēki domas var aizturēt, manipulēt vai kā citādi pārveidot, taču tās vienmēr būs, jo katram cilvēkam ir kaut kādas domas. Domā pat cilvēks, kurš ir atzīts par garīgi nelīdzsvarotu, tikai viņa domas ir daudz mazāk koncentrētas, saturiskas un racionālas. Pilnas tumšu spēku ir arī to domas, kuri cieš no dažādām slimībām kā depresija. Šādos gadījumos domas ir kā īsta prāta inde,kas lēnām saindē arī visu pārējo ķermeni, un cilvēks var aiziet bojā. Protams, ir arī neizsakāmi daudz labu domu. Tās var motivēt  pozitīvi notikumi, sasniegumi, bet galvenokārt cilvēki apkārt vai tie cilvēki, kuriem vienmēr būs vieta cilvēka prātā. Atsauce: 36912-Lost-In-My-Thoughts.jpg Ar viegliem sniegpārslu soļiem ...