Chances & Meeting & Times
Source: Life is different and so are people. Sometimes you can catch yourself wondering what they are thinking and what their actions really mean. Are you kind because it is in your nature or there is some deeper intention? Are you smiling because you are happy or because it is a good protection that avoids asking for something more? When there arises a fast desire to kill someone or yourself is it a normal desire that fast arises and goes? You cannot know fully about yourself why you are doing things the way you are and even less for other people. I would like to highlight 3 types of people (doesn't mean that there aren't many more, but these are the ones I have had the most interaction with). First ones are the ones who are always ready to meet new people, go on dates and you can say that for them everything comes and goes like a flow. The best part of it is that you really cannot manage to get attached. Suddenly they can offer to have a cu...