
Showing posts from December, 2014

The Importance of Virtual Reality and Fiction

Source: Her (2013) upload/t_original/cjvbavu6y2qodxcxzhcw.jpg By standard views reality has been stated as the most important as it is real and occurring to people, nature and everything else that exists on the Earth and the Universe at the current time. How is with the matter that transcends through the virtual reality? As some fiction and ideas become a part of  a person, their make-believe status decreases. Virtual reality Virtual reality is always part of the daily human routine. We send messages though the internet and this way also get to know about what is happening around the world. It is a powerful tool, depending how you use it. You can find friends who can suppress the outside world. They make less regrets as they say things they want you to know and yet you get less disappointments as from the real friends in the real environment sharing different memories. A real person in the virtual reality can be a great companion...


Well, it’s been a year, it doesn’t surprise me (Happy Christmas) /Wham! - Last Christmas/


Source: When is the time to let go? When you don't have to fight and it is o.k. to let go. Some people live and some people die. Some who doesn't want to live somehow make out alive, but someone's life that had just started is cut down - just like that... Life has a value if it is meaningful, but sometimes it enlightens only for a small period of time or doesn't at all. Where is the line when letting go is understandable? In any case, in the end it is only up to one person: (..) if you live, if you die, it's all up to you (..) If I Stay (2014)

Our Fault

Source: 2014/06/hazel-lancaster-crying.jpg?w=640 John Green's "The Fault in Our Stars" - the best book read in recent time and the best one for analysis of the language, translation and everything else within it. There are rare people who do not feel moved by this book and I am glad that this time I am not one on them, but one of the majority. A comment from Ingus Macats, the translator who done translation into Latvian language, 2013: "Mūsu zvaigžņu vaina" lika man smieties, raudāt un domāt. Jā, romānā atspoguļotā tēma ir skumja, tomēr šis darbs nebūt nav depresīvs, tieši otrādi: varoņi ir asprātīgi un intelliģenti, nekautrēdamies plēst jokus arī dzīves smagākajos brīžos. Šī nav asaraina grāmata par vēzi, bet gan neliekuļots stāsts par jauniem cilvēkiem, kā arī viņu domu un jūtu pasauli. Autors grāmatu vienā vai citā formā rakstījis desmit gadus, un rezultāts ir katras dienas vērts. The book is so much more ...

True Friendship

True friendship transcends time and place. It goes beyond what other people say or think. It means finding time whenever it is needed, wanted or a solution when there is nothing else to do. A true friend would never say that "we had enough time'', because how can be a time be enough with someone you know so well and feel easy to be with? The desire to spend time together never ceases. It is there and it lives on. Same as memories.

The Battle

Source: 3966dc6121b1ac7 e51295c80b172eca5/mapbrtp/Nbdncblz4/ tumblr_static_tumblr_static_cbhp975mv6okwwsw40skwgo0o_1280.jpg - Why does it hurt so much? - Because it was real. / The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies / Anything can be as real as you can imagine, but not everyone believes other's reality. Not always things we want to build is necessary for other's existence. Then we build our own walls and construct new ways.

Black-Grey-White Memory

Grey winding roads make an entrance to an old and archaic bridge massive. Granite monuments grow bigger as we walk toward their frozen postures. People with cameras and full of thoughts. The sky is ash grey with small dips of clouds in undetectable color. Yet some birds fly over its limitless horizon. When we look down, we see the river nursing things of human and nature that become livelier as ever. Thousands of white swans are looking different directions, their heads run in the frozen water in and out. For me it would be more like reaching towards the hand of the death, but for them it is the way of getting the living out of the murky waters. Some are holding against the current, but some have found more peaceful places along the island and people-built retreat. They seem to be holding like bouquet, but not all belong to bevy of swans. They are at least couple of them being alone, some up to the putrid wood, some just alone by themselves, floating and looking towards the horizon....