The Importance of Virtual Reality and Fiction

Source: Her (2013)
By standard views reality has been stated as the most important as it is real and occurring to people, nature and everything else that exists on the Earth and the Universe at the current time. How is with the matter that transcends through the virtual reality? As some fiction and ideas become a part of  a person, their make-believe status decreases.

Virtual reality

Virtual reality is always part of the daily human routine. We send messages though
the internet and this way also get to know about what is happening around the world. It is a powerful tool, depending how you use it. You can find friends who can suppress the outside world. They make less regrets as they say things they want you to know and yet you get less disappointments as from the real friends in the real environment sharing different memories. A real person in the virtual reality can be a great companion as you can do your daily things and not feel alone. You can also be yourself and replay whenever you want, but sometimes there is a click that you want to talk without stopping. The words just flow and you don't notice how day turns into night. Talking about real things via virtual world can make them less painful, sad or some other way better if you get the ability to laugh about it or talk about it. Of course, it is not a human hug, tap on the head, but still it is something. Something you cannot get from a simple robot. After time you can get the idea about the person and start to compare him to others from the real world. Most likely the virtual person will seem much better. And when you get to spend time in the reality, you start to want more of those moments, because humans are tended to like physical contact or just a glimpse for the distance - how the big sad eyes turn into a warm smile, how he holds a glass with his big hand, how you put your small hand on his big one, how it feels to lay your head on his shoulder just for a short period, how he blushes when having some awkward situation, how he asks for a dance saying that it is O.K. if you can't - how it is one of the rare times in life when you smile the brightest looking in someones eyes with all the care, respect and love you have - all the small things that become special and you cannot capture those moments in pictures so well. Yet, the reality takes more time and it always leads to parting in less than 24 hours if there are no exceptions. It takes more energy, but it is always worth it. Same as writing words that form sentences to ideas, plans, wants and comport. Sadly, friendships end in the real life and also virtual reality is not forever if it involves a real person. Regardless of how many things are left unsaid and how many things could have been done, it is strong and fragile at the same time as the reality.
Source: One Day (2011):


The importance of fiction can be controversial. Also some writers like John Green has discussed it with an interesting approach in his book The Fault in Our Stars. The protagonist (Hazel Grace) has a book which is to her like a bible (Peter Van Houten's 'Imperial Affliction"). Hazel as a cancer patient finds herself overwhelmed with the book where the protagonist also is a young girl. She dies, but the author does not tell what happens with all the people around her (an open-ending), but for Hazel it is important to know the ending so that she will have an acknowledgement to herself that after she herself dies, everything will be good with the people close to her. The book within the book has been made so believable that many can question if the book and writer is real. There is always some reality in almost everything. However, Peter Van Houten introduces other view by questioning the importance of fiction itself. He states that it is not important what happens with the people in his book as they are fiction. John Green stands for the view that fiction is important and it gives a companionship. Fiction allows to dream and find whatever you wish and it can be as real as you believe in it. For some people even you yourself might seem a fiction, but you should not be evaluated lover only by that. Ink and virtual reality can create miracles that become real and touch our hearts, power our mind and all you are willing to take from it.

This is the true and impossible story of my very great love. In the hope that she will not read this and reproach me, I have withheld many telling details: her name, the particulars of her birth and upbringing, and any identifying scars or birth marks. All the same, I cannot help but write this for her, to tell her "I'm sorry for every word I wrote to change you, I'm sorry for so many things. I couldn't see you when you were here and, now that you're gone, I see you everywhere." One may read this and think it's magic, but falling in love is an act of magic, so is writing. It was once said of Catcher In The Rye, "That rare miracle of fiction has again come to pass: a human being has been created out of ink, paper and the imagination." I am no J.D. Salinger, but I have witnessed a rare miracle. Any writer can attest: in the luckiest, happiest state, the words are not coming from you, but through you. She came to me wholly herself, I was just lucky enough to be there to catch her.

/Ruby Sparks (2012)/

To become better, to show more, to inspire more and to be endlessly thankful for all 1116 days (not including the end)...


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