Latvia: Multicultural Diversity from History until Today
The history of Baltics always has been complicated. And the same refers to today. What have left from Swedes, Germans, Russians are still here. Using public transportation and on the streets it is possible to hear different languages and it is nothing unusual. However, recently the situation has intensified. Even I trying to be liberal, felt a wish to show my conservative stance after in a train hearing some Russian saying that there smells after Latvian pigs, adding that Latvians should go to Russia and let them (Russians) live. That's the direct opposite of what usually most Latvians are saying about Russians when they complain that they are oppressed. Who is right and who is wrong?
Looking back at the history as it is written in Latvian books and international sources, Latvians and Lithuanians have derived from ancestors of Indo-European (also ancestors of other Europeans) people called Balts. It happened already around 3000 BCE. Mostly they traded with amber to Rome and Byzantium. Ancient Romans called Balts as Aists. Around 900 CE Baltic tribes Curonians, Latgalians, Selonians, Semigallians, Livonians (Latvian: kurši, latgaļi, sēļi, zemgaļi, livonieši) were living in the former territory of Latvia. They were good in making different handicrafts (pottery, jewelry, etc.) They had differences among themselves, for example, Curonians were known as sailors and for them more important were trading, piratism, and fishing. 1 2
During Crusades, was one of the most forceful conversions to the Christian faith as Balts were pagans. In 12th-13th C, the Latvian territory was conquered by German crusaders. The formation of Latvians was approximately 13th - 17th C from all the previous mentioned Baltic tribes. After the collapse of Livonia in 16th C, Latgale, and Vidzeme, two former regions of Latvia’s territory, were under the control of Poland-Lithuanian Commonwealth, but Kurland (Latvian: Kurzeme) was under Dutch force. In 1621 during the Polish-Swedish War, Riga and Vidzeme was conquered by Sweden, but in the Great Northern War Riga capitulated to Russia. Later in 1772 Russia annexed also Latgale and in 1795 the Dutchy of Kurland and Semgallia (Latvian: Kurzemes un Zemgales hercogiste).
After the First Word War, in accordance with the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, on March 3, 1918, Russia waived its right to the Latvian territory. Latvia was founded on November 18, 1918. However, the peacetime wasn’t that long. Regarding the secret protocol of Molotov-Ribbentrop pact (1939) between the USSR and Germany, Latvia came under the Soviet sphere of influence. Thus, on June 17, 1940, the Soviet Union occupied Latvia, but on August 5, 1940, it was incorporated into the USSR as one of the Soviet republics. Latvia regained its freedom only on August 21, 1991. Nowadays it has also renewed the ties with the West and in 2004 became a member state of NATO and European Union.1 2
Still, history can always be interpreted. For many Russians the history starts from the 17th century during the Russian Empire and Russian Tsar Peter I and later Peter II. The fact that there has been an occupation is also not recognized. Additionally, in the 2007 signed delimitation Latvia “admitted” changes in the border, giving away Pytalovsky district3 (Russian: Пыта́ловский райо́н). It was one of the brightest moments when the far right political party “All for Latvia!” (Latvian: “Visu Latvijai!”) showed their nationalism with the protest standing half-naked for 40 minutes in -17o C.4 5 Additionally, in recent years a lot of Latvians have left the country to search or better life including higher salary. From 2000, it is estimated that around 200 000 have emigrated.6 Based on the population statistics which had been 2.4 mil., but in 2014 the number has fallen down to 1 989 500 2. Naturally, it is not possible to blame people and it might seem as a normal emigration statistics, but taking into account the ethnic groups (2011: 62.1% Latvians 26.9% Russians 3.4% Belarusians 2.2% Ukrainians 2.2% Poles, 1.2% Lithuanians, 0.3% Jews 0.3% Roma, 1.4% others / unspecified2), we can see that one minority has high population rate and recent years it has only increased. It is widely seen in the biggest cities (Riga, Daugavpils, Liepaja, Jelgava) where half of population is Russian and other half are Latvians or closer to the Russian border in cities like Daugavpils, Rezekne, the Russian population is dominating.
Tension has always been there and, naturally, both sides are to blame. Decisions, family background, and other factors have shaped people’s stance. Even the celebration of national holidays had become an arena for a political fight and division in the society. As one of the recent examples can be named March 16 that was the Latvian Legion Day. The idea behind it that Latvians are celebrating the day when the Latvian Legion as part of the Nazi Waffen SS, fought against and repelled back the Soviets in 1944. During the celebration veterans of the Legion had a parade through the streets of Riga and put flowers at the Freedom Monument. This event faces a lot of criticism from Russia, Russians and also the international community as they see it as honoring of Nazism. However, veterans of the Latvian Legion themselves say that they were fighting for Latvia’s freedom from the Soviet power. Despite every year less and fewer people take part in the parade, people from “the other side” are still highly negative. The previous year there was used a fence from one side of the Freedom monument that separated Latvians and Russians. From the Russian side, every year can hear shouts “Latvians – fascists!” (Russian: Латыши – фашисты!), pigs (Russian: свиней) as well as their history interpretations. Some of the examples – Peter I paid money for this land and it is the land of Russians. Therefore, Latvians should move away, here has never been a land for Latvians. Numerous additional ways of propaganda like interviews with cutting out parts is carried out. The main aim is to show proves that Latvians are proponents of Germans and in Latvia is a resurgence of fascism.
Negativism from the Latvian side is mostly seen in Russian Victory Day celebration on May 9. Main celebration place is at the Victory Monument where different songs, speeches, Russian and even USSR symbols are used. Latvians doesn’t go there with some exceptions, including also media that provides wide coverage. Yet there has been tries to bomb their monument (in 1997 by members of the Latvian ultra-nationalist group Pērkonkrusts8), but it was unsuccessful and the monument still is a reminder of the victory of Russia in the World War II that has never been a celebration for Latvians as it meant occupation.
More recent fight for rights from the Russian side was seen on February 18, 2012. In the constitutional referendum for Russian as the second language.9 It can come into force only if half of the population has voted for and they failed to achieve this requirement. Furthermore, Russian minority issues have been intensified as the feeling of suppression had become topical after the annexation of Krima and further actions regarding Ukraine (high Russian population) as former USSR republic. This situation is similar also in Latvia and other former USSR territories like Georgia, Belarus, etc. After the collapse of USRR, Russians remained in other countries and started to call them home. However, we cannot deny that Russian roots in Latvia go further back in history. The territory of Latvia for many years was under the control of Russia: in time of the Russian Empire from 17th C until 1919, from the end of WWII until 1991. Additionally, Latvia was always Russia’s territory of interest as it was one of the leaders in manufacturing and transit. During these times, the territory of Latvia was under “russification” policy. It included enforcing Russian culture and that, naturally, influenced the formation of Latvian national identity.
Latvians now have forgotten many facts that also don’t show Russians in a negative light. Firstly, in different armies were also Russians who were battling for an independent Latvia. Also on March 3, 1991 in the advisory referendum 75% voted for the independence of Latvia including Russians.
Additional problems arose regarding citizenship with the naturalization procedure. It required taking exams in the Latvian language to demonstrate the knowledge of the language, the state constitution, national symbols, history, etc. During the corruption that still exists nowadays, it was easy to buy a citizenship, thus people without any knowledge of the Latvian language could easily be in high positions. However, a large part of the Russian population didn’t undergo naturalization procedure because they could get a pension from Russia and other benefits. Recently the former president Vladimir Putin has stated that Russia won’t pay pensions to the Russians living in the Baltic States as a part of his policy to intensify situation between the nationalities. Further change were also regarding language education laws that came into force into 2004 meaning that minority schools should conduct 40% of its teaching 10-12 years in Latvian, the other 60% could be in the minority language. However, after demonstrations and protests the laws were amended.
Regarding government, impressive success was in 2011 when the social-democratic party “Harmony Centre” (Latvian: “Saskaņas Centrs”) won the elections (for – 29,07%) and thus gained the majority of seats in Saeima (Latvian Parliament).10 This party major focus always has been to increase the interests of Russians. Yet it was excluded from the coalition government due to suspicions of being funded by Russian authorities (including people close to Kremlin).
Recent events in Ukraine have been a proof of intensified situation between two different cultures. Despite there are bilingual families, most of the society has been divided. The fear of extinction as a nation and becoming a minority has lead also Latvians to become more nationalistic and even aggressive. Bureaucracy and other problems are still there, but, hopefully, there will be something to learn from Ukraine’s situation. It includes wide protests as it is not an answer if such a powerful neighbor is lurking around the corner. Should be noted that Russians doesn’t want to live in Russia, but they like the idea of the nation and they feel their roots. Looking at Russia itself, based on how the support is gained in the authoritarian regime, high influence is to media, especially to what is seen on the television. If Latvia would produce its own channel in Russian language stating the truth as it is, over time it would be possible to change people’s opinions. Additionally, there should be a way how to block Russian satellites. Nevertheless, Latvia always has been a multinational society and always will be, depends on only how it will change including the increase of Chinese population and further developments regarding Russians and Russia’s policy. Everyone has its own rights; it depends which perspective you take.
1 Latvijas teritorija senajos laikos. Accessed from:
2 Latvija. Accessed
3 Global Post uzskaitījis septiņas svarīgākās teritorijas, kuras Krievija
atņēmusi kaimiņvalstīm - arī Abreni! Accessed from:
4 “Visu Latvijai!” puiši pie Saeimas protestē
pret Abrenes iztirgošanu. Accessed
5 Puskaili vīrieši piketē pie Saeimas. Accessed from:
6 Pēdējo 11 gadu laikā Latviju pametuši 200
tūkstoši cilvēku. Accessed
7 Iedzīvotāju skaits
samazinās. Accessed from:
8 Victory Memorial to Soviet army. Accessed from:
9 Latvian Constitutional referendum
(2012) Accessed from:,_2012
10 Saeimas vēlēšanās pārliecinoši uzvar
Saskaņas Centrs. Accessed from: