Learn Slovenian by taking Courses and interacting with Natives
Living in a foreign country involves not only learning
and adapting to the cultural differences, but also facing a foreign language. Speaking
at least some Slovene is possible thanks to various opportunities available to
everyone interested. There are reasons beyond beautiful landscape that make it worth to use
the language in order to connect better and more easily with the country and
the people.
§ Symposium Obdobja
§ Examination Centre
§ Slovene Language Courses
§ Education
§ Publishing
§ Slovene for children and teenagers
A research of the history of Slovenian language teaching reveals an interesting finding - the teaching of Slovenian language in this centre began already in 1965. Back in the history, the lecturers from the center were visiting other towns to teach the immigrant children. From 1992 onwards, after the independence of Slovenia, CSS/FL began carrying out examinations in Slovenian for different needs (studies, work, etc.).
The official language used in spoken and written
communication in Slovenia is Slovenian. For a foreigner living in Slovenia it
is useful to learn at least some basic phrases and words, which are used in
daily communication, especially when using public services such as Slovenian
railways (Slovenske železnice), Slovenian post (Pošta Slovenije) or some other public
services. Namely, the employees in the public sector still rarely speak
English, German and other foreign languages well. I have experienced a language
barrier with both above mentioned services, once as I was buying a train ticket
and on another occasion, when I wanted to get a package, and I have overcome
the barrier in both cases by using non-verbal communication.
In Slovenia, there is no rule referring to the whole
country that would require workers in the public sector to answer in the same
language they are addressed in. There are some areas with Italian and Hungarian
minorities, where everyone speaks Slovenian and Italian/ Hungarian and also all
public services have to be available in both languages. Older generations know
Croatian and Serbian, but English has a rather low status; whereas the opposite
is true for the younger generations of Slovenes. The situation is quite different
in Latvia, where due to the ethnic population (61.4% Latvians, 26.0% Russians, 3.4%
Belarusians) and tourism the whole country follows an unwritten rule that you
should talk to a person in the same language they addressed you in if that
language is one of the following: Latvian, English or Russian. Therefore, all employees
in the public sector have to be fluent in at least these three languages.
Learning a new language always poses a challenge -
sometimes big, sometimes a small one. Those who have chosen to study the
Slovene language, have numerous options to choose from. Slovene courses are taught
in various schools and institutions, and Slovenians are glad to provide help if
One advantage of joining a language course instead of
learning on your own is that courses have a well developed structure, which
enables for a faster learning process. A fixed time schedule provides motivation
to proceed with the language learning instead of doing some other activities.
The largest institution that offers special Slovene
courses throughout the year is the Centre
for Slovene as a Second/Foreign Language (CSS/FL). Currently it offers 8 developed
Slovene at Foreign
Seminar of Slovene
Language, Literature and Culture
§ Symposium Obdobja
§ Examination Centre
§ Slovene Language Courses
§ Education
§ Publishing
§ Slovene for children and teenagers
A research of the history of Slovenian language teaching reveals an interesting finding - the teaching of Slovenian language in this centre began already in 1965. Back in the history, the lecturers from the center were visiting other towns to teach the immigrant children. From 1992 onwards, after the independence of Slovenia, CSS/FL began carrying out examinations in Slovenian for different needs (studies, work, etc.).
During the summer, the best offer of the center is definitely
the two-week course called the Seminar of
Slovene Language, Literature and Culture, carried out every July. The
program is organized so that the theoretical part takes place in the morning and
the evening activities include a variety of interactive activities such as visiting
museums, theatre performances, films, trips, etc. and the students are welcome to
attend. This approach is great for those who don’t feel comfortable visiting various
places in Slovenia or doing some activities alone.
For those who have a residence permit and wish to
reunite with their families or for third-country nationals, 60- or 180-hour
language courses of Slovene language are available. After finishing the
program, a test must be taken to acquire the language certificate. The entire
process can be done also in some other institutions outside Ljubljana such as Adult
Education Institute Maribor (Andragoški Zavod), IS / Education Center Miklošič
and Peoples’ University Koper (Ljudska Univerza). If you want to apply for the
exam or participate in the program, you have to register in the administrative
unit that has issued the permanent or temporary residence.
A more flexible way of learning Slovene is with the
help of native Slovenians, whom you can offer learning your own native language
in return. An informal atmosphere gives you the opportunity to learn a variety
of different pieces of information in your spare time and in real-life rather
than classroom situations. It is especially useful if a person works, studies
or does some other activities as he/she doesn’t have to adapt to a fixed course
time. This way it is possible to learn based on a mutual agreement. Taking into
account that the spoken language tends to differ from more standardized
language books, it is more valuable to get in touch with the spoken language in
the daily communication. As the language changes rapidly, the easier accessible
sources can sometimes be outdated.
Of course, learning Slovenian is an individual
experience for each person. People generally learn languages in different
manners and time periods. For example, in Latvia, quite a few Chinese have
mastered the Latvian language to the B2 level on their own in just couple of
months after arriving to the country, starting with the use of available
written materials, later using and observing the everyday life or taking
courses. Furthermore, they have learned this rather complex language fluently
and can speak almost without an accent. However, there are people who live in a
foreign country all their lives and don’t speak the official language. Perhaps
it’s best to view this by understanding that people are different and we are
good in different things. Some people are good at technical things, some in
finance or business, whereas language learning is another thing and can be
quite challenging for some people.
For those who have already had some contact with other
Slavic languages (Belarusian, Russian, Ukrainian, Rusyn, Czech, Slovak,
Lechitic, Pomeranian, Kashubian, Polish, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Church Slavonic,
Serbo-Croatian) it is easier to learn Slovenian, because languages from the
same language group have common characteristics, and they even share some words.
Since there are numerous possibilities available for
learning Slovenian language, anyone can learn at least some Slovenian phrases any
way he/she prefers. Learning the language offers additional opportunities to
explore the country, including villages off the beaten track where older
generation definitively have interesting things to show but may not be able to
explain and present them well in any other language but their mother tongue,
The history of the Centre for Slovene as a Second/
Foreign Language in seven steps (Accessed:
Integration into Slovene Society (Accessed: http://www.mnz.gov.si/fileadmin/mnz.gov.si/pageuploads/DMI/SI/brosura_za_azil_-_angleska.pdf)
Latvia (Accessed: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latvia